Monday, October 14, 2024

The Midnight Library

 I tried reading this at least twice but it bored me and couldn't finish it. Main character tries many variations of her life. Interesting concept but tedious in execution.

The Collector by Daniel Silva

 Enjoyable addition to an enjoyable series.

Tom Clancy Act of Defiance by Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson

 Enjoyable but too many twists and turns in the end, could have used a good editing, then it would be excellent.

Perfect Alibi by Sheldon Siegel

OK but a dud relative to the fun series.

Death in the Spires by KJ Charles

 Not sure how I found this but it was enjoyable, perhaps a little too long but interesting characters.

Dog Day Afternoon by David Rosenfelt

 Another fun adventure.

Kingpin by Mike Lawson

 Kelly and I enjoyed it a lot.